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  吉林省农科院畜牧分院是一所具有近百年历史的畜牧科研机构,曾长期位居东北地区和吉林省畜牧科研的核心地位,在此期间其经历了无数的历史变迁,也创造了无数的历史辉煌,为我国畜牧业的发展谱写了华美的乐章。经过几代畜牧分院科技工作者的不懈努力和求实创新,现已在畜牧高新技术研究、科技成果产业化、技术普及推广、科教兴农等方面取得了丰硕的成果,为吉林省、东北地区乃至全国畜牧业和农村经济发展作出了重大贡献。 2004年,畜牧分院成为中国农业科技东北创新中心的科研主体机构,这给这所百年老院带来了新的生机和活力。目前,我们正致力于全面提高科技创新能力,加快科技成果转化,为现代牧业的发展提供强有力的技术支撑。 进入21世纪,是现代畜牧业发展

                   President’s Address
  The Branch Academy of Animal Science of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Science(JAAS) has focused on animal scientific research about 100 years. As an important part of JAAS, it plays the key role in animal agriculture in the Northeastern China and Jilin Province. During the development of the BAAS, all of scientists devote themselves to animal science from generation to generation. The outstanding achievements in scientific research promoted the development of animal agriculture Jilin Province.
  According to the requirement of the modern agriculture in 21st century, researching system of BAAS was reformed because of obstacles and challenges following transform of traditional agriculture into modern agriculture, as results, more much research fields are interested in and scientific contents are modified. The opportunity and activity are created by establishment and development of Northeast Agricultural Research Center of China(NARCC) moreover, the perfect abilities of research and making innovations are in research of high-tech for animal production, industrial application of scientific achievements, utilization and model of animal agricultural techniques and promotion of technology to agriculture. Right now, all of us work on development of modern animal agriculture and construction of new socialist countries.
  In spite of frustration, we will still abide by the spirits of unity, contribution, practicality and creation to indulging in development of modern animal agriculture and construction of new socialist countryside. In the new future, we will continue pursue the achievement for developing of harmonious society based on guiding of NARCC and help of friends through optimum of animal scientific resource, strengthening intelligence store, promoting scientific research and improving scientific ability of creation.

主办单位:吉林省科学院畜牧科学分院  联系电话:0434-6282018
